Needs sound...
Some really good animating here... alot better than most flashes... but no sound of any sort really takes away from what it could have been... also it didnt make much sense to me... *scratches head*
Needs sound...
Some really good animating here... alot better than most flashes... but no sound of any sort really takes away from what it could have been... also it didnt make much sense to me... *scratches head*
Wow... simply amazing
Very impressive animation, your style and camera movements are just awesome..... the timing with the music was very well done... 5/5 10/10! Backgrounds were very well done and fluid with the movement of the character... very impressive :)
Graphics look great... but.. it was too short.. and did'nt really seem to make too much sense.. ^^;
Pretty Funny
I rather liked it... altho i agree that it is an overused style.. and it could have alot more to it.. but i loved how it was a fake kick ass fight then jumped to the "real" fight XD wasent expecting that
5 out of 5 =)
Excellent movie! Cant wait to see more movies from legendary frog! :D I love the story espically legolas.. hahahaa "My love for you is like my quiver of arrows... Never Ending" Hahaha XD Genius :D
Joined on 2/10/05